New York. Ediz. italiana, francese, inglese, tedesca e spagnola

€ 35,00
  • Disponibilità:
  • ISBN:
    9783832797126 9783832797126
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The bustling gateway to America, New York has always been a city of dramatic excitement-big dreams and constant changes. A legendary photojournalist and former president of the Magnum agency, Thomas Hoepker vividly captures the city's complex spirit in all its many moods. A long-time resident, Hoepker's images range from the early 60s through 9/11, and up to very present including the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. With journalistic zeal and a keen eye for crucial details, he documents a true New York with its diverse inhabitants and the allure of its prominent landmarks and hidden, far-flung corners. His insightful photography conveys a vivid sense of the city's physical landscape and also of its unique everyday interactions and intricate urban culture.

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